"The mission is not a vaccine, the mission is to vaccinate everyone in the world."

Dialectics in Action, or Globalism Speeds Up Processes, and that’s Good

Globalists are playing the long game, and therefore the goals of their individual steps are not obvious.
I came across a wonderful quote from a speech at one of the meetings of the World Economic Forum (WEF): The mission is not a vaccine, the mission is to vaccinate everyone in the world. Curtain.

No one has been hiding anything for a long time. But people, mostly deprived of critical thinking and immersed in their own problems, do not see this or are not able to evaluate it properly. Globalists are playing the long game, and therefore the goals of their individual steps are not obvious.

Today’s plans were outlined back in the late 1960s with the formation of the Club of Rome, which commissioned the “Limits to Growth” reports. Over these decades, the globalists have degraded the system of universal mass education, science has been turned into a grant-controlled pseudoscience, up to 90% of the world’s major media outlets have been taken under control, the Overton window is wide open, and hired managers of the Finintern have become the heads of many once-strong national states.

The globalists are accelerating the processes. And, paradoxically, there are certain advantages to this. Today, the anti-globalist forces have a historic chance to unite, if not to seize the initiative, then at least to put up a barrier to globality itself, without which globalism loses its meaning. And this chance lies in the fact that capitalism, starting with the crisis of 2007-2008, has entered its final stage.

Yes, it is not fast, but over the past 16 years, everything has become much worse. There are no new solutions and models for extending the life of capitalism, as happened with the “virtual sales market” in the early 1980s, and probably will not appear. And therefore, the globalists are in a hurry to move to digital neo-feudalism, which is capable of consolidating the power of the beneficiaries of the Finintern for a long historical period. And the lack of time (resistance is growing) forces the globalists to hurry and make mistakes.

The BRICS platform can become the basis for such a union. Two processes are already taking place in this direction: the platform is starting to fill with specific content (a single currency, an investment bank), and the number of applications for membership from countries that do not want the unipolar world of the globalists is actively increasing.

By the way, BRICS was created in 2009, right after the start of the 2008 crisis, which marked the beginning of the final stage of capitalism. Perhaps this is not just a coincidence.

Vladimir Morozov

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