Time 18.October 2024

There Will Be No Impeachment

Republicans in Congress decided to first impeach Harris, but then limited themselves to a resolution to convict the vice president.
House of Representatives Votes Resolution Condemning Kamala Harris as Southern Border Leader At one time, Biden (probably still collectively rather than personally) appointed Vice President Kamala Harris responsible for developing urgent measures to normalize the situation on the southern border of the United States.

She was supposed to coordinate the efforts of various departments in the diplomatic, administrative and security spheres to stop what the Republicans called the “invasion.” Absolutely nothing was done. Kamala Harris flew to Guatemala, visited the border once, and there she was more concerned about the conditions of detention of illegal immigrants. And the flow of illegal migrants across the border was increasing.

It later became known that the real efforts to establish at least some kind of border order had to be led by the then head of the Homeland Policy Committee, Susan Rice, who later left the administration due to disagreements with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Liberal media and Democratic congressmen immediately praised Harris and called her the “czar” of the border right after Biden announced her appointment as border coordinator. “Now things will get better,” one could often hear on MSNBC and read in Politico. But time passed, and the situation became worse. And gradually Harris’s special role began to be “forgotten.”

Now, Republicans in Congress decided to first impeach Harris, but then limited themselves to a resolution to convict the vice president. The resolution was adopted by a majority vote. All Republicans and six Democrats voted for it. This does not entail legal consequences for Harris, but it creates an informational occasion in the lively election race, especially given the formally bipartisan nature of the resolution.

Dmitri Drobnitsky

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