
Tony Rocchi17.12.2023

The People’s Will was a political secret society and a revolutionary terrorist conspiracy. Revolutionary Mystification and Deceit Political parties were illegal in Russia until the Revolution of 1905-1907 so the narodovol’tsy had no other choice but to form a secret society. In many ways, the People’s Will, especially its Executive Committee, was the culmination of […]

Tony Rocchi15.12.2023

The terrorists of the People’s Will [Народная Воля] became legends in their own time. Many of their admirers included Russian and foreign writers. Heroes in World Literature Among the foreign writers who admired the narodovol’tsy [members of the People’s Will] were Emile Zola, Victor Hugo, Guy Maupassant, Jules Verne, Oscar Wilde, Arthur Conan Doyle, and […]

Tony Rocchi13.12.2023

The People’s Will [Народная Воля] occupies a special and even honorable place in the history of Russian, European, and world terrorism. A Legendary Terrorist Organization Even historians who usually condemn terrorism often make an exception for the People’s Will. For example, American specialist Walter Laqueur wrote <<Sofiya Perovskaya and Vera Figner are symbols of one […]

Tony Rocchi04.12.2023

Before writing the articles on political trials in the Russian Empire and use of administrative orders and extraordinary laws to crush opposition, I must explain my methodology—how I research and write about different subjects in history. Most important is how I define terrorism. In this series we are looking at the how the Russian Empire […]

Tony Rocchi28.11.2023

Part 4 see here. Tsar Nicholas II has received many contradictory interpretations. Popular publications in Russia today often idealize him and regard him as a martyr betrayed and killed by his own people. Tsar Nicholas II and his family are considered saints by the Russian Orthodox Church. However, the last tsar of the Russian Empire […]

Tony Rocchi15.11.2023

Part 3 see here. Terrorism was only one of several types of mass violence in the Revolution of 1905-1907. The other types included: the violence of mass protest movements, criminal violence, and government violence in suppressing the revolution. The massiveness and varieties of violence in mass protest movements in the Russian Empire reached proportions not […]

Tony Rocchi12.11.2023

Part 2 see here. Support from liberals and moderate socialists and ambivalent attitudes by conservatives enabled the massiveness and continuity of left-wing terrorism in Russia between 1901-1911. In its fight against terrorism and revolutionary violence, the government found few supporters. What happened was the mass criminalization of Russian educated society. The relevance of the liberal […]

Tony Rocchi11.11.2023

Part 1 see here. Terrorism became a regular feature of political life in the Russian Empire between 1901-1911. The first outbreak of terrorism in the 20th century began on February 27, 1901 (old calendar) with the assassination of Education Minister N. P. Bogolepov by the revolutionary P. V. Karpovich and ended on September 1, 1911 […]

Tony Rocchi10.11.2023

The Russian Revolution of 1905-1907 was the first major European revolution with a terrorist component. Politically-motivated killings happened on a large scale in previous European revolutions, especially in the French Revolution of 1789-1804 and the European revolutions of 1848-1849. However, in the Revolution of 1905-1907, we are talking about terrorist acts conducted by organized groups. […]

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