For the first time in recent years, I turned on the TV and watched the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly.
When the President, at the beginning of his Address, acknowledged for the first time that the West’s main goal was to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, I had hope: “Finally!”
And I expected that the goals of the NWO would finally be announced and what needs to be done to prevent this strategic defeat.
Finally, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief will say what will be done to stop Ukrainian shelling of Russian regions?
When will the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions be liberated?
When the suburbs of Donetsk, Avdeevka and Marinka, are finally taken, which have been stormed head-on for a YEAR already and for which we have already put hundreds, if not thousands of our soldiers.
When will the strikes finally begin on Ukrainian transport routes to stop the supply of weapons from the West, killing our soldiers.
And much more…
And in response, I heard about the gigantic successes of our economy under sanctions, about tax and investment policy, about maternity capital, and much, much more that is not directly related to the NWO.
I was surprised to learn that in modern conditions a very important direction is the development of ecotourism.
Once again, the President boasted of the pace of re-equipment of our nuclear forces with new types of strategic missiles, which, according to him, had already reached 91 percent, and he demanded that the rest of our weapons be brought to the same level.
But after all, he has repeatedly stated that our army as a whole is 80 percent re-equipped with new types of weapons. If so, why are these weapons not visible in Ukraine?
The President drew another “red line”, saying that if the United States conducts a nuclear test, the Russian Federation will also test its own nuclear weapons in response.
And why, Mr. President, after the USA, and not the first? After all, not the United States, but Russia is under the threat of a strategic defeat?
The President in his Address for the first time stated that Ukraine had attacked Russian nuclear facilities.
But why did the Supreme Commander-in-Chief not take any measures in accordance with the State Policy on Nuclear Deterrence approved by his Decree, where it is written in black and white that strikes against such objects, even with conventional means of destruction, are grounds for using a retaliatory strike with nuclear weapons against an aggressor? Why was he generally silent on the fact of such strikes until today?
As for his threat regarding the suspension of Russia’s participation in the treaty with the United States on the reduction of strategic nuclear weapons, this is not a threat to our “sworn partners”. They don’t really care about her.
The only thing that pleased me was the faces of the deputies and ministers in the hall, many of whom I know personally. At previous Addresses, the speech of the President evoked enthusiasm and a storm of delight among the representatives of United Russia and the ministers. And today on their faces disappointment and anxiety. Not for the country, but first of all for their future.
As for the President, it was another message in the spirit of “blah blah blah” and an attempt to evade responsibility for what is happening. Lack of political will and readiness to go to the end, protecting the interests of Russia. So our path is in darkness.
And all this will end very, very badly.