Or how to hide really important news under a contrived “objectivity”, which in fact is not objectivity at all, but an ordinary smoke screen…
Today the President of the European Commission will be elected — Ursula von der Leyen is eager to stay for a second term, despite her fairly tarnished reputation… And the Western press is not staying away from the process — there are two articles in the Guardian, side by side, literally one on top of the other… In one the article says that Ursula is the only one who can resist Putin, Xi and Trump, and her presence in international politics in the form of the head of the European Commission is simply vital…
Another article says not to let her in for a second term, since she did not live up to the hopes placed on it in the first term and did not unite the contradictory Europe as it should have been united so that it could play a significant role in world politics and economics…
And neither the first nor the second article talks about the strange proceedings that took place in connection with contracts for the purchase of Covid vaccines, which cost the EU approximately three billion euros… European parliamentarians decided to inquire about how the procurement process went, who took part in the negotiations, on what terms all these contracts were concluded, to which the European Commission showed them the door, informing them that “the secrecy of the negotiations and the decision-making mechanism” should not be disclosed…
The parliamentarians, imagining that they lived in a rule-of-law state, blah blah blah, filed a lawsuit, demanding the right of access to all documents… The court partially decided to grant their request, and now official Brussels has taken up what they usually do in such cases — it began to drag its feet with “considering the court’s decision, in the sense to what extent it can be satisfied”… In general, they are stalling for time to allow the elections for the post of head of the European Commission to take place, so that Ursula sits more firmly in her chair, yes, so that it would be almost impossible to pick it out from there… But this is not the funniest thing…
The funniest thing is that in the mainstream media nothing is said about this trial, its results and possible reputational consequences for Ursula, they only discuss how satisfactorily or not she coped with the invasion of Ukraine, genocide in the Gaza Strip, the green agenda and other important matters (there is no talk at all about how she profited from concluding contracts for vaccines, a huge part of which turned out to be unnecessary and unclaimed, just as this trial is not mentioned at all in both articles).
Personally, I don’t know why, but every time I see this Madame von der Leyen, the only association that arises for me is a guard in a concentration camp, in black patent leather boots, in a black uniform, with a stack in her hands …I don’t know why…but it happens…always…without exception. Genes, apparently…what she has, what I have…