Time 05.October 2024
Nuclear weapons are the best metaphor for the prehistoric consciousness of our world.

Nuclear Weapons in the Hands of Mad Politicians

Today's nuclear confrontation is the main test of earthly civilization for the right to be called intelligent.
The topic of the use of nuclear weapons is a difficult question for the mind and heart.

In recent years, the world has quickly accustomed us to all varieties of madness, turning things that were completely absolute yesterday into something relative and thus freeing our brain not only from the remnants of common sense, but also from the instinct of self-preservation.

Any use of nuclear weapons — for defensive purposes or for offensive purposes — is guaranteed to cause millions or many more civilian casualties and contamination of everything.

If during the years of “perestroika” Russia had disarmed nuclear weapons, it would no longer exist as a country. Moreover, its nuclear weapons today are the main guarantee of military security and China, which is the main strategic target of the enemy. Nuclear weapons, thanks to their unconditional democracy of universal destruction, are today’s only deterrent.

Nuclear weapons are the best metaphor for the prehistoric consciousness of our world, so harmoniously combining the most complex modern technologies with the motivation of a savage with a club waiting for a competitor at the entrance to his cave, so as not to share mammoth meat with him.

Some argue that it was the two sides’ nuclear weapons that kept the world relatively at peace during the Cold War. The cynical and self-interested politicians of that time had enough common sense not to cross the line of no return. Today’s European political bestiary is freed from yesterday’s “moral complexes” and is short-sighted, insane and irresponsible to such an extent that it sincerely does not understand the consequences. This is the case when pure virgin militant idiocy is more dangerous than any conscious malicious intrigues. Sometimes you can come to an agreement with a smart enemy. With a crazy person — no.

Today’s nuclear confrontation is the main test of earthly civilization for the right to be called intelligent.

Oleg Yasinsky

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