Time 05.October 2024

History & Persons


On September 24, 1911, Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko was born. Younger people probably won’t even remember who he was. He headed the USSR for only 11 months and was remembered only for reinstating the 94-year-old Molotov, who had fallen into disgrace under Khrushchev, into the party. Meanwhile, if he had lived at least another six months, […]

Klim Zhukov14.09.2024

On September 13, 1812, a military council was held in Fili. The main issue was being decided: to give another battle after Borodino near Moscow or to leave the city without a fight. The Russian units themselves were located to the west of Moscow. The council was attended by Generals Barclay de Tolly, Bennigsen, Dokhturov, […]

Tony Rocchi13.09.2024

Leo Tolstoy, the world’s greatest writer, is often glorified as the apostle of non-violent resistance to evil. Tolstoy has been hailed as a Christian anarchist who inspired the heroism of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As noted in the previous article, Tolstoy exonerated terrorists and revolutionaries in his letter “I Cannot Be Silent” […]


It is not in Russia’s interests to devalue Stalin’s personality. The mythology of Stalin is the central battlefield of ideological platforms wrapped in a historical shell. Representatives of different ideologies argue about nothing more than about Stalin’s open and secret intentions. And if his open intentions are easy to verify from published speeches, works and […]

Klim Zhukov30.08.2024

State-of-the art accents of cinema in the Russian Empire and the First World War. At the height of the First World War, the mood of society changed from euphoria and agitation to ridicule the enemy (films: “Down with the German Yoke” and “Glory to us, death to the enemies”) to fatigue and a sense of […]

Andrey Vedyaev29.08.2024

Among the founders and most prominent representatives of Soviet illegal intelligence, the name of General Eitingon occupies a special place. By and large, there were and are no equals to him. And I am certainly proud of my friendship with his daughter Muza and son Leonid. At the same time, until quite recently, the name […]

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