Time 18.October 2024
Well... like the world, so is the leader.

Biden’s speech left a difficult impression

The “torch of leadership” is being passed to virtually nowhere.
There have been many, many, existentially many lies in Washington over the past week.

Biden, that satirically accurate avatar of the “free world,” has reinforced this sinister and disastrous trend. And his border is in better condition than under Trump, and inflation is decreasing, and crime is at a historically low level, and under him, under Biden, for the first time in the 21st century, Americans did not participate in a single war…

As the culmination of a lie — a call for unity… that is, not to let the “forces of division” come to power. This is democracy, this is freedom of choice, this is the “free world”.

Well… like the world, so is the leader. The “torch of leadership” is being passed to virtually nowhere.

And suddenly it became crystal clear that the American elite had finally lost control of the situation, the panic planning horizon had shortened to 3-4 days, no one knew who controlled the dollar and nuclear superpower, even in Washington. It’s scary, gentlemen…

Dmitri Drobnitsky

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